Some pics from the days when we didn't now that our destiny is CREPES
Efficient searching
Some restaurant keepers were sad not to have a job to offer us, so they offerd us some drinks.
"Oooo, I wish I could join the crowd for a second..."
At some point we were so desperate, that even Simone considered the restaurant Pulperia as an acceptable place to work.Though now the Pincho Market has ended (thank God!), we have an oportunity to work once in a while in La Créperie. Recovering from the Feria has taken us some days, and so far we haven't had time to get bored, and the plan is to avoid working for some more time.
The days and nights after the Feria we've spent relaxing with the guys from work, or just enjoying our new room that offers us a free internet connection and two individual beds. ...oh, it's so hard to sleep without Simone!
On Monday we're heading to Asturias, that is famous for its cider (that has nothing to do with the Finnish soft drinks that dare to be called cider). As luggage we'll have a rental car, a tent and an open mind. Trying not to plan too much. Holidays, here we come!