Exactly two weeks ago we found the people who needed us to work with them, and the following 11 days we were working for them like dogs. From 10 to 16 hours of daily work without a day off was kind of exhausting, but at least we now deserve our holidays! The best thing is that we got to know the people from our multicultural Crepe-team. All together we are now seven, representing seven different countries: France, Argentina, Mexico, UK, New Zealand, Germany and Finland.
Working with these people wasn't always easy, as organizing and planning things is not very highly appriciated in the team. Oh well... we are pretty good in organizing things already, and learning to work in a total chaos will for sure be a useful skill in the future. Luckily we share the Nordic-German sense of order, so that there was someone to share all the frustration caused buy the "rollo africano", like our boss was characterizing the relaxed way of working. Besides working without a plan, we have learnt lot of Spanish (though I still don't understand a lot of Argentinian) and got some experience in beating the needless timidity.
As the exhausting Feria de Pinchos is over, all in all we are very happy. Working was mostly fun, we have new friends and we don't have to worry about money for the moment. And what's more, we seem to be the most famous blondes of Santander!
Working with these people wasn't always easy, as organizing and planning things is not very highly appriciated in the team. Oh well... we are pretty good in organizing things already, and learning to work in a total chaos will for sure be a useful skill in the future. Luckily we share the Nordic-German sense of order, so that there was someone to share all the frustration caused buy the "rollo africano", like our boss was characterizing the relaxed way of working. Besides working without a plan, we have learnt lot of Spanish (though I still don't understand a lot of Argentinian) and got some experience in beating the needless timidity.
As the exhausting Feria de Pinchos is over, all in all we are very happy. Working was mostly fun, we have new friends and we don't have to worry about money for the moment. And what's more, we seem to be the most famous blondes of Santander!
Report on activities of La Gorra
As our sweet home has only the internet of the neighbours, the access to the virtual world has been limited. Though, we have been at home only to sleep in our cama de matrimonio (the 120 cm bed that we're sharing in our tiny room) so there wouldn't have been too much time to enjoy facebooking etc. anyway. Now writing from an expensive internet cafe. (Everything in Santander is mas o menos expensive.)
Short news on activities of "La Gorra":
Last weekend La Gorra participated the craziest fiesta of Spain, San Fermines. It was raining, so La Gorra couldn't sleep in a park or in the middle of a roundabout as was planned, but was forced to party all night long until the encierro (escaping the running bulls), that happens every morning at 8 o'clock. ¡Que locura!
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday La Gorra was looking for a job for us. From 10 am to 4 pm walking from a restaurant to another and fighting against Spanish bureaucracy. In the afternoon La Gorra took a siesta at one of the increadibly beautiful beaches of Santander and a swim in The Atlantic Ocean. At night again from bar to another to looking for a job.
On Thursday La Gorra was telling us that it seems to be too late to find a job at one of the casetas de Feria de Pinchos (little kiosks run by the restaurants of Santander that serve pinchos), as the Pincho Market was about to start the next day. Then suddendly La Gorra happened to be at the right place at the right time...
...the staff of the restaurant La Créperie . G had been so busy running their restaurant and the two casetas de ferias in different cities, that they didn't have time to call the people who had left their Curriculum Vitae's to get a job that they were offering. We think the owners (an French-Argentinian couple) were really lucky to find La Gorra in front of their caseta on Thursday afternoon. In five minutes we were employed. Half an hour later La Gorra travelling in a van towards Vitoria of Basque Country with Lydia, and Simone was working as a waitress in a real restaurant La Créperie . G.
On Thursday night La Gorra spent 7 hours watching Lydia trying work in a caseta de Crépes at Feria de Naciones in Vitoria. Wasn't too easyto watch her fooling around with huge cans of pancake batter.
For afterwork enjoyment La Gorra found the "perhaps the most talented drummer of his generation", Lewis Nash and his trio, who happened to be on stage at The Jazz Festival Of Vitoria. Dead tired Gorra spent her night sleeping like a log with the staff of La Créperie . G at the house of a Basque chico called Iker.
On Friday afternoon La Gorra was happy and relieved to return in Santander to meet Simone again.
...to be continued...
Short news on activities of "La Gorra":
Last weekend La Gorra participated the craziest fiesta of Spain, San Fermines. It was raining, so La Gorra couldn't sleep in a park or in the middle of a roundabout as was planned, but was forced to party all night long until the encierro (escaping the running bulls), that happens every morning at 8 o'clock. ¡Que locura!
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday La Gorra was looking for a job for us. From 10 am to 4 pm walking from a restaurant to another and fighting against Spanish bureaucracy. In the afternoon La Gorra took a siesta at one of the increadibly beautiful beaches of Santander and a swim in The Atlantic Ocean. At night again from bar to another to looking for a job.
On Thursday La Gorra was telling us that it seems to be too late to find a job at one of the casetas de Feria de Pinchos (little kiosks run by the restaurants of Santander that serve pinchos), as the Pincho Market was about to start the next day. Then suddendly La Gorra happened to be at the right place at the right time...
...the staff of the restaurant La Créperie . G had been so busy running their restaurant and the two casetas de ferias in different cities, that they didn't have time to call the people who had left their Curriculum Vitae's to get a job that they were offering. We think the owners (an French-Argentinian couple) were really lucky to find La Gorra in front of their caseta on Thursday afternoon. In five minutes we were employed. Half an hour later La Gorra travelling in a van towards Vitoria of Basque Country with Lydia, and Simone was working as a waitress in a real restaurant La Créperie . G.
On Thursday night La Gorra spent 7 hours watching Lydia trying work in a caseta de Crépes at Feria de Naciones in Vitoria. Wasn't too easyto watch her fooling around with huge cans of pancake batter.
For afterwork enjoyment La Gorra found the "perhaps the most talented drummer of his generation", Lewis Nash and his trio, who happened to be on stage at The Jazz Festival Of Vitoria. Dead tired Gorra spent her night sleeping like a log with the staff of La Créperie . G at the house of a Basque chico called Iker.
On Friday afternoon La Gorra was happy and relieved to return in Santander to meet Simone again.
...to be continued...
Leaving Madrid - arriving in Santander

Por fin! Finalmente!

One hour ago we thougt we might leave the city of abuelos (grandpas) and go to Ibiza, Valencia, Torremolinos... where ever! Seeing the apartments lousier or more expensive one after another, the people of the north repeating: "Eso es lo que hay"--- "...well, this is what we've got for you."
Thanks to "manuel" (the wi-fi-connection at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento), the last place we called before starting to look for apartments from other cities, is the one we're going to move in tomorrow!

Hasta luego, Madrid
Y no puedo evitar echarte de menos
mientras das la mano a mi tiempo y te vas.
Yo siento que quiero verte y verte y pienso
que recordarás las tardes de invierno por Madrid,
las noches enteras sin dormir.
La vida pasaba y yo sentía que me iba a morir de amor
al verte esperando en mi portal sentado en el suelo sin pensar
que puedes contar conmigo.
Que recordarás las tardes de invierno por Madrid,
las noches enteras sin dormir.
mientras das la mano a mi tiempo y te vas.
Yo siento que quiero verte y verte y pienso
que recordarás las tardes de invierno por Madrid,
las noches enteras sin dormir.
La vida pasaba y yo sentía que me iba a morir de amor
al verte esperando en mi portal sentado en el suelo sin pensar
que puedes contar conmigo.
Que recordarás las tardes de invierno por Madrid,
las noches enteras sin dormir.
La vida se pasa y yo me muero, me muero por ti.
La Oreja De Van Gogh
Puedes contar conmigo
Puedes contar conmigo
Disculpen las molestias
At Simone's home in Madrid. Last night here is now to come. Feeling sad for leaving Madrid, where we have lived for 10 months.
Simone is packing. I luckily did it already before going to Finland to say hi to mom. For Simone making desicions is hard, even these small desicions that come to packing, as it was for me two weeks ago: "nooo, no puede tirar los papeles del curso de español ... mira, mis apuntes - he estudiado bastante! ... shall we leave the frying pan? I don't want to leave the tiny red stool!"
First difficulties were faced already trying to buy the bus tickets in the internet. The server of the company stopped working after charging my credit card but without sending the tickets to my email. After calling around the company promised to give me back my money and told us to buy new tickets, as now the web page should be working. Yes, sure. We decided to buy them at the bus station with cash. That's how it works in Spain - cash only.
Simone is packing. I luckily did it already before going to Finland to say hi to mom. For Simone making desicions is hard, even these small desicions that come to packing, as it was for me two weeks ago: "nooo, no puede tirar los papeles del curso de español ... mira, mis apuntes - he estudiado bastante! ... shall we leave the frying pan? I don't want to leave the tiny red stool!"
First difficulties were faced already trying to buy the bus tickets in the internet. The server of the company stopped working after charging my credit card but without sending the tickets to my email. After calling around the company promised to give me back my money and told us to buy new tickets, as now the web page should be working. Yes, sure. We decided to buy them at the bus station with cash. That's how it works in Spain - cash only.
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